Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Listening Journal
A FTA between Korea and the U.S is still facing opposition for some reasons. Some people are worring about products manufactured in North Korea because this negotiation includes Kaesong industrial complex of North Korea. They're worring about the quality of products. However, some people think this deal will help the U.S. remain an active economy in East Asia by a lot of exports. Also, the U.S. can gain more benefit by opening Korea's agricultural market. On the other hand, the U.S. is offering to renegotiate about some parts as automobile. It is still controversial problem. The U.S-South Korea FTA has become an issue in the 2008 U.S. presidential race.
Every negotiation has conflict. Most important thing is how to solve the conflict. It is impossible to satisfy goals of all organizations. In this case, it is obvious that this FTA between Korea and the U.S. can give benefit tot both countries. Of course, there are some shortcoming of this negotiation. During 4~5 months, they tried to conclude the negotiation wisely. However, now the U.S. is requiring renegotiation about some parts. I think both countries need more conversation, and they should try to reach goals they want to accomplish. Demonstrators should think about it carefully. They need more cautious attitude, and they should consider other substitute way to develop their industry. It is not simple because it is related to two countries' economic benefit.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
What is happiness~?

I think happiness is satisfaction I can feel in my life. We can feel happy everywhere and anytime. For example, we can feel happy while we are talking with people we like. When we are successful about our goals, it makes us happy. Even when we eat delicious food, we are happy.
That is, happiness is not too far from our position.
Sometimes, we don't notice that is happiness even though we can feel happy. It means, positive thinking is very important for our lives. With positive thinking, we have a lot of opportunity to feel happy. If we always remind this thing, we can live more fantastic life than other people who don't have positive thinking.
Happiness, it's very important in our lives. If we do everything with thanks, we can be satisfied with myself, and we can find happiness easily.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Listening Journal~
By Heda Bayron, Hong Kong, 06 June 2007
These days, several Asian currencies such as the Philippine, the Malaysian and the Indian have appreciated against the US dollar. The value of their currencies is rising continually, and this phenomenon reflects Asia’s powerful economy. Some people have different opinion about this situation. If the currency is gaining against the U.S, the export price to the U.S is so expensive that it becomes very difficult. Decreasing exports can damage the economy of the countries. For example, Korea is exporting several products to the U.S, and this export accounts for a great part. On the other hand, some countries think this situation is good for their economy. For instance, the Philippine peso appreciation can be helpful in the economy in that the oil import price will be cheaper. Actually, Asian exports have various markets such as BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) instead of the U.S. Also, exporting Europe is increasing because some countries’ currency has depreciated against euro.
Currency has strong effect on each economy. Especially, Korea imports various things such as automobile, cloths from the U.S, and also exports several things such as rice, pork, and some fruits to the U.S. Actually products which Korea export to the U.S account for large amount of Korea economy. If currency has gained against the U.S dollar, it has bad effect on economy by decreasing export because Korea and the U.S have connected closely. However, Philippine thinks this phenomenon is good for their economy, so I think it is up to each country’s situation.
Therefore, each government should make suitable policy to protect their economy.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
*Listen carefully and summarize what each story is about. What is the message of each story?
He told us three story of his life. First story is about his family and childhood. His biological mother was very young, and she didn't have ablity to bring up him. So he was adopted, but his new parents' education was very low. Finally he entered college, but he dropped out because of money and other problem. He re-entered new college and new course. It was new opportunity to him. If he never dropped out, he would not find what he loves and what he want to do. He said his whole experience of his life was connected, and it made his present position.
Second story is about his love. He finally found what he loved to do earlier. He still loved his work even though he got fired from the company. He didn't give up, and he restart. The works such as Toy story and Apple his company did were very successful. He told us that we should find what we love.
Last story is about death. He was suffered from cancer, and doctor told him and his family to prepare death. He had no possiblity to live. But he had surgery, and he is fine now unbelievably.
After I listened his speech, I thought whole my life. I was very ashamed because it was very normal life. He lived very unusual life, the whole experience made him special. When I was in Korea, I just studied hard to enter good University. And now, I am just looking for gettinf good job. Even now, I don't know what I love to do. According to his speech, I have to keep going if I couldn't find my love. Although I had a mistake, it will be good material for my successful life because my whole life was connected, and awful taste medicine is good for health like his word. Now, I am experiencing new world in Canada. It is very fresh and good memory. Soon, I will find what I love. And just I will follow my heart and passion. I will use this period successfully because my time is limited. Especially, I remember some words in his speech. "Right now, the new is you! Stay hungry, stay foolish!"
Saturday, June 2, 2007
[Listening Journal] US Economy Slows, China Bounds Ahead
US Economy Slows, China Bounds Ahead
The US economy has being slowed; in contrast China has developed continually. Actually, some fields such as housing market in the Unite States have troubled, and it has bad effect on the USA’s economy. On the other hand, the People's Bank of China took further steps to cool the economy. Also expectation about china is much stronger than the USA’s now. China's economy surged at an 11% annual rate in the first quarter, and the government announced that inflation rose to its highest level in two years. China’s currency, the yuan, is still kept undervalued, but China government said it’s trying to make its value higher. If this problem has solved, China will be experienced more rapid development.
Friday, May 25, 2007
[HW-Listening] Little Miss Sunshine♡
Actually, I am not against beauty pageants although some people criticize it is commercialization of woman. The form and meaning of beauty pageants are changing these days. People think intelligence as well as appearance is very important as a winner of the beauty pageants. If we see the prize winners, we can see their talent through the interview. They can show various activities such as publicity about their own countries. So I think the beauty pageants are not totally negative. It can bring out positive function.
But children’s cases are different. We shouldn’t judge young children by the way they look. They should be regarded as just children. In the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, children’s appearance and acts in the beauty contest such as their dance, pose, makeup and even expression are similar to those of adults. Even they don’t know what they do. We cannot see innocence and purity of children. We need to make certain about concept of beauty to children.
★What is the grandfather’s influence on the boy and the girl? Is grandpa a good person?
In the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, we can hear a lot of bad words from their grandfather. He never cared for children in any situation and just said what he wants to say according to his feeling. Even the children accepted for granted without any consciousness. For example, Olive, young girl in the movie, learned some actions for beauty pageants from her grandfather. It was impossible to think as young girl’s behavior and actually it gave people great shock. The horrible thing is that the girl didn’t know what her action means. She just followed her grandfather’s words and believed him because he is her grandfather. Like this situation, her grandfather had big effect on the children’s lives. So he should have been careful about his every behavior and words.
Few months ago, I went to the Eaten Centre with my friend.
At that time, I didn't know well about Toronto because I just stayed to Canada only during 2 months. Actually, I went snowboarding to the Blue Mountain before that day. I couldn't move well because I fell down over fifty times. >.< (It was my third time...snowboarding was really difficult for me!! )
But I had to go shopping because I promised that with my friend long time ago.
Also when we arrived there, it was almost closing time.
Finally I couldn't buy anything, and I had to go back home.
When I went to take a subway to go home, something happend.
My friend didn't have TTC metropass card, she asked me to borrow that after I used.
She told me it is possible. So I did it.
Suddenly, a staff came out office, and took my metropass card by force.
Then he said, "thanks, you guys."
It was really terrible.
The weather was very cold, and I was really exhausted.
I couldn't move my body well, and I couldn't even walk.
In addition, I didn't buy anyting, andI had my metropss card taken away.
But it will be interesting memory in my life in Canada although that time was really terrible.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I am hanna~^^
I want u know me~ maybe~hehe
Nice to meet u~ and I am really happy to meet u in same class.
First, I will introduce myself.
I am from Korea and I am 22 years old now.
I am also living in Seoul, the biggest city in Korea.
I am studying in Yueli now, so I can meet u guys~ right? haha
I really like Yueli because they have good system and Fantastic teacher and freinds! keke
I came here, Canada, 4 months ago in order to improve my English skill.
hm, actually I don't know well wether it is coming true, but I try to enjoy my life in Canada.
Most people told me, "you are so funny and active."
I think I am a shy girl, but they don't agree that... hahaha
Just I like talking with people, and actually I am very talkative.
I think we can also have good relationship in this class.
Enjoy your life~~ guys~ hahaha